Your air conditioning system is an important part of your home, and keeping it running properly is essential to your comfort. That’s why it’s so vital to do your due diligence when it comes to ac repair and maintenance. This article is going to go into detail on some of the dos and don’ts of air conditioner maintenance.
Learn the anatomy of an Air Conditioner
Central air conditioner services include two major components: an outside condenser and an inside coil. The compressor moves the refrigerant between the outdoor condenser and the indoor coil and then back again, forming a loop. The refrigerant moves to the indoor coil as a liquid, cooling the coil and causing the refrigerant to turn to vapor when the warmer air hits the coil. This is what starts the cooling process and creates the cool airflow that lowers the temperature in your home.
AC Maintenance Dos:
Do clean or replace your air filter every month
One of the most critical things you can do to maintain your air conditioner is to clean and replace your air filter every month or as needed. A dirty air filter will reduce the efficiency of your unit and can even cause it to break down over time. When shopping for an air filter, be sure to to take note of the model of filter your current unit uses before shopping, this will guarantee you’re purchasing the right one when you’re in the store. It’s critical to get the filter that is designed for your specific type of air conditioner, and the best way to do this is to simply write down the model number before heading out to buy a new filter. You should also check the specific manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure that you change the filter as often as required. These simple things allow you to keep your air conditioner running smoothly for years.
Do Shade Your Home’s Exterior Walls
If your home gets a whole lot of sunlight through the day, shading your exterior walls can help keep the interior cooler. This can be done with trees, awnings, or even shades on the windows.
Trees and shrubs can provide shade for your walls, and they also help to cool the air around your home.
Awnings are another effective way to block out the sun’s rays. What’s more, they can be easily removed when you don’t need them.
And don’t forget the shades on your windows. These will help to keep the heat from coming into your home. By shading your exterior walls, you can keep your home cooler and reduce your energy costs.
The Don’ts:
Don’t Forget About Regular Cleaning and Maintenance Tasks
When they’re pumping out cool air just like you want it to, it’s easy to forget all about your AC unit or its maintenance needs. But don’t neglect regular tuning-up tasks and checking your AC unit’s filters. Dust from around the house will eventually make its way into your AC unit, reducing its efficiency.
Keep an eye on the drainage hole to make sure it isn’t clogged. By following these simple maintenance tips, you can prolong the life of your AC unit and keep it running efficiently.
Air conditioner filters need to be regularly maintained, and the coils should be vacuumed by a professional at least once a year. These are not do-it-yourself tasks, attempting to clean a filter can lead to a very expensive mistake if the wrong part is bent or damaged. And if the copper tubing inside the unit is broken, the refrigerant can get on you causing very serious injuries requiring immediate medical attention. And if they get in your eyes, it can cause blindness. So always be sure to hire a skilled and trained professional like All Utah Plumbing Heating and air.
Don’t Open Windows When the Air Conditioner is On
Most people know it’s important to keep the windows closed when the air conditioner is on, but many don’t know why. Opening windows when the AC is running will cause the unit to work harder and use more energy. This is because the AC has to account for the heat coming in from outside, which makes it less effective and causes it to use more electricity. So if you want to save money and keep your home cool, keep those windows shut!
Don’t close vents in unused rooms to save energy
There is absolutely no need to shut off rooms and limit your living space to try and conserve energy. If your unit is not performing at its best, that means it’s time to call a professional like All Utah Plumbing Heating and Air to come out and perform a professional check up on your unit.
A properly maintained and functioning unit is designed to be energy efficient and capable of cooling your entire home without the need of shutting off vents or limiting your living space.
Don’t Use Fans Instead of Air Conditioning
As the weather gets hot, many people are tempted to use fans instead of air conditioning to keep their homes cool. However, fans are not as effective as air conditioners and will end up using more energy in the long run.
Air conditioners work by circulating cool, comfortable air throughout a room or building. This cool circulating air helps to lower the overall indoor temperature of the space. Fans, on the other hand, simply move air around and do not lower the temperature of a room.
Don’t Try to Repair Complex Issues Yourself
Like your car, your air conditioner is a complex machine with many moving parts. So, when something goes wrong, it’s often best to leave your ac repair to the professionals. Not only do they have the experience to diagnose the problem quickly, but they also have the tools, equipment, and parts needed to fix it.
DIY repairs are often more costly in the long run, as well-meaning homeowners often end up causing even more damage in their attempts to fix the issue. Plus, you aren’t as likely to have the air conditioning equipment you need to help you fix whatever the problem might be.
In addition, many AC problems are actually covered by warranties, so you may be able to get the repair for free. So, before you try to take matters into your own hands when it comes time to repair central air conditioners, give a professional ac repair service a call. Chances are, they’ll be able to solve the problem quickly and efficiently – and they’ll likely save you quite a bit of time, effort, and money in the process.
Most air conditioners are built to last for many years, but that doesn’t mean they don’t require regular care and maintenance. Following the pretty straightforward tips above, you can keep your AC unit running smoothly and efficiently all summer.
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late to Call for Help
If you are beginning to hear strange noises or sounds coming from your central air conditioner unit or if it starts blowing hot air, don’t wait until the hottest day of the year to call for help. The sooner you call, the smaller the amount of damage will likely be done. A qualified technician that specializes in ac repair services will be able to diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs. However, waiting too long to call for help can result in extensive damage to your AC unit, which can be both expensive and time-consuming to repair. In some cases, replacing the entire unit may even be necessary. So don’t take chances with your AC unit – if you notice any problems, call for help right away!
Troubleshooting Central Air Conditioners
If your central air conditioner isn’t working as well as it should, you should first check the obvious things. Make sure the thermostat is set to “cool” and that the temperature is set lower than the current room temperature. Also, be sure that all the registers in your home are fully open. If they aren’t, the air won’t be able to flow correctly, and your AC unit will have to work harder to cool your home, which will use more energy and cost you more money.
If those simple troubleshooting steps don’t solve the problem, there are a few other things you can try before calling a professional. First, check to see if your AC unit is dirty. The coils inside the unit can become clogged with dirt and dust, which can prevent the unit from cooling properly. If the coils are dirty, simply clean them off with a soft brush or cloth. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any dirt and dust.
Another thing you can check is the Freon levels in your AC unit. Freon is a refrigerant that helps to cool the air. If the levels are low, it could be causing your unit to work harder than it needs to. You can check the Freon levels yourself with a simple test kit, or you can call a professional to do it for you.
If none of those troubleshooting steps solve the problem, then it’s time to call a professional. A qualified technician will be able to diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs. Waiting too long to call for help can result in extensive damage to your AC unit, which can be both expensive and time-consuming to repair. In some cases, replacing the entire unit may even be necessary. Don’t take chances with your AC unit – if you notice any problems, call for help right away!
Air Conditioning Repair Service in Orem
Air conditioners are complex machines, but there are a few simple things you can do to keep yours running smoothly all summer long. Be sure to follow our tips above, and if you ever have any doubts about what needs to be done, always call a professional.
We are here to take your comfort seriously so that your AC will respond quickly. But don’t get fooled. We provide dependable and reliable air conditioning repairs; every repair will be covered under the Exceptional Service Guarantee. Our expertise covers everything related to air conditioning repairs.
If you’re experiencing any problems with your air conditioning unit, don’t wait – call a professional right away! They’ll be able to quickly and thoroughly identify the problem and make the necessary repairs. Waiting too long to make a call for help can result in extensive damage to your AC unit, which can be both expensive and time-consuming to repair. In some cases, replacing the entire unit may even be necessary. Don’t take chances with your AC unit – if you notice any problems, call All Utah Plumbing Heating and Air for help right away!