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Questions you should ask the technician during your hvac inspection

Many homeowners call air conditioning repair in West Jordan, Utah, without even asking questions. As much as you can find trustworthy contractors, you should still practice caution by asking a few questions during the inspection. Aside from checking the technician’s abilities, it will also help you become informed about your unit. So next time that you call for air conditioner services, make sure that you ask the following points:

How can I prevent future repairs?

It may seem like a weird question for someone who earns a living fixing AC units. Nevertheless, professional technicians are more than willing to help you improve your HVAC’s efficiency. They will tell you some do’s and don’ts to prevent some common problems. A technician who cares for your home will not deprive you of answers about this question.

Do I need to upgrade my unit?

If you have an old AC or heater, chances are it will require repetitive repairs. It’s best to ask during the inspection if you’re better off investing in a new unit than paying for repairs. The technician will help you decide, but make sure that you ask why a specific move is necessary.

Is the ductwork in good condition?

If you just moved into a new house, you must arrange an HVAC inspection. This way, you can get the ductwork check for damages and potentially harmful gasses. If you have a ductless system, this wouldn’t be a problem. Usually, some ductworks will need cleaning, especially if it has been left untouched for years.

Who should I call if problems occur?

In cases when the inspection showed damage, you’ll have to pay for AC repair services. You should always ask who to call if any issues occur after the repairs. This is important, especially if the company offers a guarantee on their work. It also ensures that you’re going to get the most out of the money spent on repairs.

Are you bonded or insured?

Even before the inspection, make sure that you ask the technician if he or she is bonded or insured. This way, you’ll be protected from any liabilities if injuries occur while inspecting your unit. Most reliable and established companies pride in their technicians’ insurance and bond. Make sure that you ask about this before the inspection starts.

How will you fix my HVAC issues?

If the technician raises a problem with your HVAC unit, always ask how they plan to fix it. This way, you’ll know what’s going on in your home and what your unit requires. It will also save you from being ripped off by shady companies. If you want a transparent service, you can call us here at All Utah Plumbing, Heating, & Air. All our technicians are licensed, bonded, and trained to perform any AC repair. Rest assured that they will be honest about the problems of your HVAC unit.

Final words

During the air conditioning repair and installation and inspection, you should be a smart homeowner. Don’t hesitate to ask questions because a reliable technician will not think twice about answering our HVAC concerns. Besides, you should always know what’s happening in your property.