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5 simple ways to keep your furnace from needing repairs

Your furnace will help you get through the winter in Utah while staying safe and warm. It’s crucial that this heating component in your home functions correctly. If you’re somewhere like Heber, where the snow rises high and the winters are long, pay close attention to how to maintain it.

Replacing a furnace can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a couple thousand and that’s saying nothing about the labor. Because of the expense, homeowners may want to consider some small maintenance measures to increase the life of their furnace, saving them money.

Regularly change your filter

Many homeowners who have problems with their heating systems could resolve them by changing out the air filter. The air filter helps keep the internal system clear of the thicker particles floating around your home. When this gets especially dirty, the heater can have a difficult time getting any airflow. Clear air circulation is crucial for maintaining your furnace.

Keep the area around your furnace clear

Furnaces primarily use combustion to heat the air, but even electrical furnaces use extremely hot elements as a heat source. When flammable materials clutter around a furnace, your chances of fire go up. Chemicals, boxes, or other miscellaneous items can potentially catch, even if they aren’t directly exposed to the heat source. A fire can not only damage the furnace but could potentially cause structural damage to the rest of your home.

Oil the furnace blower once a year

The lifespan of a furnace can be lengthened when its moving parts are lubricated annually. The blower components physically circulate air throughout the house. Suppose they are rusted or gunked up, the efficiency of the blower decreases, preventing air from being moved quickly to vents. Furthermore, an oiled blower is a silent blower. Therefore, maintaining the moving parts will not only help keep air going in the cold of winter but will be silent as well.

Keep vents clear of obstructions

One major reason that may make it seem as if the furnace isn’t working is if the vents are covered or closed. It can be easy to forget about keeping vents unobstructed. Furniture may block one of two vents in a room; a vent may have remained closed after the long summer of disuse. There could be many reasons vents are obstructed from expelling hot air.

Fortunately, this is an easy fix, if just a little tedious. Before servicing your furnace, go through your residence and make sure none of your vents are covered. It is also advisable to double-check each vent to ensure it isn’t closed if the vents have that capability.

Clean the flame sensor when necessary

Sensors can keep devices from malfunctioning or causing damage. For example, a flame sensor monitors the heat of the flames, ensuring it burns safely. The sensor typically looks like a rod and may be cleaned using steel wool. This will rub off the outer surface of the rod cleaning off all the oxidation and carbon buildup which may cause the furnace to malfunction.

Follow these furnace maintenance tips to have a warm, safe winter in Heber and beyond. If, while maintaining your furnace, you find you need furnace repairs, call All Utah Plumbing, Heating, & Air. We can help make your home’s furnace functional again– usually within the same day.