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Air Conditioning Service Tips That Can Save You Money

If not maintained well, your AC unit can cause your energy bills to skyrocket. You’ll lose more money for the same amount – or sometimes less – of cooling. To reduce the cost of AC repair services in Utah, you can use the following tips to save more dollars from your cooling expenses:

Use fans

Running an electric fan at a low thermostat level can actually make you feel cooler. Make sure that the fan moves the air down so you can feel the chilly wind effect. Also, you can shut off your AC and use fans to circulate the cold air. This will let your unit rest while maximizing its cooling effect.

Re-calibrate your thermostat

Re-calibrating your AC’s thermostat will ensure that you’re having proper readings and operating cycles. An air conditioner services company in West Jordan Utah can re-calibrate the thermostat for you. Also, they can conduct a maintenance check on your AC to ensure that nothing else is malfunctioning. If possible, use a programmable thermostat so you can set on and off periods ahead of time.

Get your AC unit cleaned

Many homeowners suffer from costly air conditioning repair and installations in Provo UT just because they fail to clean their AC units regularly. It’s imperative to clean or replace air filters every 60 to 90 days.

If not, the dust and dirt will start to block the airflow, causing the AC unit to overcompensate. This leads to higher energy bills even if your AC isn’t producing enough cold air.

Avoid improper refrigerant charge

An improper refrigerant charge will directly damage your AC’s compressor – the very heart of the appliance. This improper charge will increase your energy bill and in the long run, ruin your unit. Take note that this repair is expensive. It’s best to have it diagnosed before it damages your AC.

Hiring an AC repair service in Utah will save you more money than having to deal with a broken unit.

Seal ducts and inlets

When cool air escapes your home, your air conditioning unit compensates for the loss. This means that the appliance will use more electricity. So to save money and to reduce the load of your unit, it’s best to seal any possible leaks. Caulk any gaps on your windows, ducts, and inlet holes.

You can do this by yourself or you can hire a contractor to seal your home correctly.

Update your unit if necessary

If your unit is at least 10 years old, it’s best to replace it than to pay for repetitive repairs. At this stage, your appliance is prone to problems which will cost more money than buying a new one.

All Utah Plumbing, Heating, & Air can help you source the new unit together with a complete installation service. From start to finish, we will handle the project for you.

Schedule regular maintenance checkups

Our air conditioning repair and installation in Provo UT service will ensure that your unit is in top shape. Also, regular checks will help diagnose the issue before it becomes an expensive problem.