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3 easy tips to prepare your heater for winter

Winter is just around the corner, so you must prepare your home before the snow arrives. Take note that you have to prepare your furnace and heater even before the winter starts.

All Utah plumbing heating & air company can help you prepare your heater for the cold season. From changing filters, fixing mechanical problems, and removing unhealthy gasses, a licensed technician is the one to call. Aside from professional help, you can also perform the following steps:

Run the heat

The best way to check if your heater is prepared for the winter is by doing a test run. From cooling, set your air system to heating in small increments. This way, your heating system can easily adjust. The heat should kick in within a minute. If it didn’t, perform basic troubleshooting by removing the cover and seeing if the wires are intact.

Aside from that, you should also change the filters to ensure that airflow is at an optimal level.

Cover your condenser

Unless you have a heat pump system, you should cover the outdoor condenser of your unit. This way, the snow won’t pile up and hinder airflow. It will also protect your unit from icicles and the harsh winter weather.

A piece of board will work here, but avoid covering the fan. Also, don’t try wrapping the condenser in a moisture-trapping plastic. This will only accumulate moisture, which will become ice as the temperature drops.

Install carbon monoxide detectors

The biggest enemy of homeowners during the onset of winter is the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. You need an expert in heating services in Utah to inspect your unit. With this, the technician will perform carbon monoxide testing using specialized tools. If they detected at an unusual level, they will have to clean your unit and home of harmful gasses.

Take note that you should get your heater checked periodically as carbon monoxide can build up over time. And since it’s dubbed as the “silent killer”, you won’t notice any smell or signs that your home is experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning.

Moreover, you can have carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home. It’s added peace of mind since you have a way of knowing if your home is harboring killer gasses.

Final words

Your job as a homeowner doesn’t stop after the heater installation in Utah. You also have to ensure that your unit is prepared before the cold weather comes. This way, you wouldn’t deal with emergency repairs or the risk of gas poisoning. Although professional inspection may cost a fee, nothing beats the security it gives your family.